Como estamos en días de liberaciones de nuevas versiones de las herramientas pertenecientes a la suite de WSO2 aquí les vengo con otra más, bien fresquita.
La versión 4.0.0 del WSO2 Complex Event Processor fue liberada en el día de hoy al igual que su documentación actualizada.
Sus detalles son los siguientes:
New Features
- [CEP-635] - Integrate Apache Storm into CEP
- [CEP-852] - Event Simulator with sending multiple events using uploaded files
- [CEP-879] - MQTT input Event Adapter for CEP
- [CEP-880] - MQTT output Event Adapter for CEP
- [CEP-881] - Input Websocket adapter for CEP
- [CEP-885] - Time Series Regression Extension to Siddhi
- [CEP-886] - Time Series Forecaster for Siddhi
- [CEP-887] - Outlier Detection Extension for Siddhi
- [CEP-888] - Initial storm solution for CEP
- [CEP-903] - Siddhi - Remove callback from stream functionality
- [CEP-909] - Input Websocket (with local websocket server) Adapter for CEP
- [CEP-910] - Output Websocket Adapter for CEP
- [CEP-911] - Output Websocket Adapter (using local websocket server) for CEP
- [CEP-942] - Siddhi partition implementation
- [CEP-945] - Improved Siddhi Query API and Compiler
- [CEP-958] - Siddhi-core adding support for aggregated attributes
- [CEP-959] - Siddhi-core supporting extensions
- [CEP-985] - Stationery Alert is one of the Geo Dashboard features which enable users to recieve alerts if a spatial object stayes in a specified area for a given specified time.
- [CEP-993] - Exchangeable views between form view and source view when creating event streams
- [CEP-1017] - cApp support for CEP components
- [CEP-1018] - Encrypting password fields of Input and Output Adapters
- [CEP-1028] - File Based Stream Definition Store
- [CEP-1029] - String Extension for Siddhi
- [CEP-1030] - Math Extension for Siddhi
- [CEP-1032] - Integrating Siddhi 3.0.0
- [CEP-1033] - Adding annotation,partitioning and query grouping support in Storm
- [CEP-1062] - Cron TimeWindow for Siddhi
- [CEP-1095] - Domain Specific Execution Manager
- [CEP-1132] - Improving HA support
- [CEP-1141] - Geo Dashboard Integration
- [CEP-1355] - Analytics Dashboard
- [CEP-1356] - Siddhi Try It Feature
- [CEP-1357] - JMX monitoring support for CEP
- [CEP-1358] - Adding Metrics support for CEP
- [CEP-209] - Cleanup SQL & Hazelcast query creation logic
- [CEP-216] - Optimize Siddhi partitions by chaining per queries together
- [CEP-391] - Better to specify different email subjects rather than specifying with SOAPAction
- [CEP-392] - Better if the passwords shown on xml on edit mode be hidden
- [CEP-537] - Sample with MB (As jms) with CEP
- [CEP-821] - the way CEP handles if the specified BAM user does not exist needs to improve
- [CEP-858] - CEP Input/Output Adapter runtime queue,batch size, etc defaults has to go to a config file
- [CEP-863] - Databases types needs to extensible for event tables like siddhi extension
- [CEP-872] - Implementing different stream clustering logics to siddhi event processor
- [CEP-884] - Improve jms input adaptor to pass advanced jms configs
- [CEP-889] - Blooms Filter for siddhi event tables
- [CEP-891] - Ability to create event stream based on event structure
- [CEP-892] - On Fly validation to fields if possible
- [CEP-965] - Make MySQL Output event adaptor generic for all RDBMS
- [CEP-969] - issue in validating the parameter count passed
- [CEP-1010] - Enabling event simulating via data in database
- [CEP-1011] - Extended Regex Functionality Support for Siddhi
- [CEP-1021] - Sort Execution Plans and Event Streams in alphabetical order
- [CEP-1036] - Important Improvements for CEP 4.0.0 (Siddhi)
- [CEP-1037] - Email Output Event Adapter
- [CEP-1038] - HTTP Output Event Adapter
- [CEP-1039] - SOAP Output Event Adapter
- [CEP-1040] - JMS Output Event Adapter
- [CEP-1045] - [Event tables] Event tables should support Oracle DBMS
- [CEP-1046] - JMS Input Event Adapter
- [CEP-1047] - MQTT Output Event Adapter
- [CEP-1048] - MQTT Input Event Adapter
- [CEP-1049] - Email Input Event Adapter
- [CEP-1051] - Create features for Event Output Adapters
- [CEP-1052] - Websocket & Websocket-Local Event Output Adapters
- [CEP-1053] - http input event adapter feature
- [CEP-1054] - Websocket & Websocket-Local Input Event Adapter
- [CEP-1055] - SMS Output Event Adapter
- [CEP-1059] - adding input event adapter features for event receiver
- [CEP-1060] - Adding cassandra output adapter feature for event publisher
- [CEP-1063] - Event Flow Improvement
- [CEP-1065] - Aligning Event Flow with the receiver/publisher architecture
- [CEP-1071] - Adding event definition pop-up for event receiver and publisher
- [CEP-1072] - Improve execution plan editor to incorporate new features
- [CEP-1079] - Adding auto-completion to Siddhi Query Editor
- [CEP-1080] - Improvements to code mirror syntax highlighting functionality
- [CEP-1084] - Fixes and improvements for Application Deployer
- [CEP-1088] - Improve Event Receivers' WSO2 Event mapping to add Stream Name and Version
- [CEP-1110] - Improve the SOAP Output Adapter to handle advanced config properties
- [CEP-1139] - Adding samples and integration tests for event publishers and receivers
- [CEP-1144] - Adding RegEx Support fot Siddhi
- [CEP-1159] - Add description to the Adapters
- [CEP-1195] - Connection pooling for JMS publisher
- [CEP-1197] - Add a cleanup method to remove all artefacts after a test case
- [CEP-1198] - Default image when there are no data on real time charts
- [CEP-1200] - Before deleting prompt for "Are you sure you want to delete ?" popup
- [CEP-1207] - [CEP 4.0.0] - Put a Clear Button to the Event Simulator
- [CEP-1209] - wso2event producer throughput reduces when increasing number of instances
- [CEP-1214] - Tenant Loading does not happen for some event receivers when it receives event
- [CEP-1227] - Scalability of CEP+Storm needs improvement
- [CEP-1240] - WSO2Event - Performance Tuning Recommendations documentation
- [CEP-1243] - Update lmax.distruptor to latest version
- [CEP-1245] - Update nexus and CEP for latest disruptor 3.3.2
- [CEP-1250] - Adding timestamp selection option for realtime gadget
- [CEP-1261] - Monitoring distributed deployment status
- [CEP-1265] - Add secure vault / cipher tool support to delivary manager password in event-broker.xml
- [CEP-1266] - Add secure vault / cipher tool support to mail.smtp.password in output-event-adapters.xml
- [CEP-1267] - Adding manipulation links when viewing artefacts
- [CEP-1273] - Add Analytics JMX Data Agent to CEP
WSO2 Complex Event Processor: Nueva versión liberada